Recovering from Awesome

Today at work was B-O-R-I-N-G with a capital ZZZZZZ. Not much going on, and that's never good for me. I need some sort of crisis or something different to keep me interested. Of course, it could be that I'm recovering from 3 days of awesome.

Friday was our team outing at work, and we had a blast! Basically for 5 hours or so we became little kids. We played laser tag, putt putt, video games and way too much Dance Dance Revolution. I felt like when I was a kid, worn out from playing too hard. A trip to the comic shop and home to crash, and I went to bed about 8:30.

Bright and early Saturday morning we got up to meet our friends to go to K-town to AdventureCon! The ride there was a lot of fun, listening to music and talking. We got there just before it opened. After the sticker shock of paying 20 bucks to get in (we thought it was cheaper), we stood in line pointing at the costumed patrons. Not too many this year. I was kinda disappointed. Normally there are lots of people running around in tights. Once we got in the show, we looked around for a couple of hours. Armed with my list (see, I told you I was going to do some research beforehand), I scoured the comic booths. Action figure wise I didn't buy a lot. Actually, I bought one thing: David Horvath's Mothman vs. Flatwoods vinyl playset. (I'll post pics later.) Other than that I bought Wonder Woman comics. Lots of WW comics, to be exact. Most of them are from the 70s and early 80s, but I picked up a few Silver Age in a $3 bin, and they're in pretty good shape. But I also found what I think is my prized possession in my comic collection: a Golden Age Wonder Woman comic from 1948. It's #32, and it's beautiful. (Again, I'll post pics once my camera battery charges.) It wasn't a bad price either, especially for something I thought I'd never own.

After we left the show, we stopped a couple of places and had lunch at TGI Friday's. Then we drove to Turkey Creek to catch The Incredible Hulk before doing a little more shopping. I'm a huge fan of the old TV show, and I love Ed Norton, but I was a little wary, considering the travesty Ang Lee's Hulk turned out to be. This version was everything you could want a Hulk movie to be: great story, great action, lots of humor w/o being campy, and Ferrigno! I'd be hard pressed to choose between this and Iron Man as my favorite summer blockbuster.

Yesterday I slept in, if for no other reason than to give my feet some much needed rest. Then we made plans to get together with my parents for Father's Day. We made a quick trip to the grocery store to stock the bare cupboards. All in all, we did really well with our food purchases. We've got enough food for dinners for the whole week, and all of them are good healthy meals. Then my parents came over, and my dad watched the US Open with Brad, while my mom and I goofed around on the computer. I filled up 2 flash drives with music and a movie, and we talked about randomness. (The most interesting thing was when she told me she really wanted to try sushi--yaaaaaaay!!!) Then we went to Cootie Brown's for one of the top 25 meals of all time--it was fun, and oh so yummy!

Last night after Mama and Daddy left, we watched a mini Weeds marathon. If you've never seen this show, and you have a wicked sense of humor, seek it out. The 4th season premieres tonight (which reminds me--I should wrap this up, so I can catch the last 2 episodes of season 3). I got hooked on the show after my mom let me watch some she had downloaded from iTunes, and though I've missed a lot of the first 2 seasons, I have to say it's my favorite cable show. Yes, Nancy Botwin is probably one of the worst moms in history, based on her status as a role model, but she's so much fun to watch. I love her sense of humor.

That being said, I've got a couple of things I need to do before it comes on, so I'll wrap up. The main idea of this is that I'm trying to do better. Just in general: do better with my time, and not letting it get away from me, eating better, trying to exercise (why oh why can't I find a Wii Fit???), and just trying to be better about how I handle things. Time will tell if I actually make it--I'll keep you posted.



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