OK guys, here's a really easy way to make an impact. Check out the banners to your right, then come right back. These are 2 ways you can make the world a better place.

  1. Earthlab.com - I found this one through work (Citi is one of the corporate sponsors). If you click the link on the banner at the right, it will take you to a quiz where you can determine your carbon footprint. In addition, there are pledges you can make to help decrease your impact. There's a lot of interesting content on here. I didn't realize little things like using non-toxic nail polish remover could make a difference. (It's true!)
  2. FreeRice.com - This one is way easy. All you have to do is test your vocabulary skills. For every word you get correct, the site donates 20 grains of rice to hungry people across the world. (Just to give you an idea, 48 grains of rice are in a gram. The UN World Food Program usually donates 400 grams per person.) Thanks to Brandie, who blogged about it on her myspace site, I'm hooked. I spent about an hour on the site this morning and donated 1320 grains of rice. My vocabulary level is 45 out of 60. I challenge all of you to try to beat my score!

I watched Rambo with the boys last night. I totally expected to hate it, but it was amazing. Nothing like spending a Friday night watching heads explode. :) It reminded me of watching action movies with my dad. It also made me want to learn more about Myanmar.

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