Get Down and Derby!

Last Saturday was one of the best Saturdays ever, even if it was the last Saturday of my vacation. Before viewing Where the Wild Things Are, and after a lovely meal at Jack's City Grill, Mr. Geeky V and I headed to the Johnson City Family Skate Center for the Little City Roller Girls' meet and greet, Get Down and Derby! It has been a loooooong time since I set foot in a skating rink. We found a seat and waited for the presentation to start. After a brief overview of derby in general, the girls talked about how to join. Then a brief intermission, and a scrimmage featuring girls from Little City, Blue Ridge Rollergirls and Hard Knox Rollergirls started. And then it hit me. I have got to try this! I talked to one of the girls at the t-shirt booth who is herself "Fresh Meat". She gave me a sheet to fill out and graciously answered my questions. I quickly filled it out and handed it back in.

Because I'm a giant nerd, when I'm interested in something, I do ungodly amounts of research. I have read more information about derby than I care to admit, and in doing so, have talked myself into trying it. I also know there's a lot of training I need to do, in addition to attending practices. Time will tell if I'm able to make it past Fresh Meat (I hope! I hope!). At the very least it's motivated me to get off my ass and do something. That's not to say I won't still read comics, play video games, and watch movies like it's my job. I'll still be the Geeky Vixen you know, but I'll have a better ass and a badass alter ego. ;)
Now playing: The Chordettes - Lollipop (Squeak E. Clean & Desert Eagles Remix)
via FoxyTunes


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