Here's what's waiting for me in my subscriber box:
Batman Battle for the Cowl #1: I'm a DC apologist. I've loved Wonder Woman ever since I pulled on my Underoos and my mom and I went to see Batman like 4 times in the theater. Amidst the fanboys screaming about Marvel, I'm the one wondering what they're reading that's better than what DC's got going on at the moment. Yes, I read Final Crisis, and no, it wasn't earth-shattering. And yes, I have issues with DC's lax policy on events and continuity (especially in terms of Wonder Woman under the influence of the anti-life equation, which never shows up in her own title, and the nods to her fight with Genocide which do). That being said, I like living in a place where I don't have to choose. If you've been living under a rock, what I'm about to say is a total spoiler, so be warned. Allegedly in Final Crisis #6 Bruce Wayne bit it. (I say allegedly because, much like daytime soap opera characters, comic book characters have a way of cheating death when it's convenient for the plotline of the moment. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I just recognize it as a fact of life.) Now, in the next event series, a bunch of Gothamites are going to fight to see who's going to be the next Batman. My money's on Harley Quinn. (Just kidding!) I think one of two things is going to happen: either Dick Grayson is going to cast off his Nightwing persona and move into the role of Batman. He thinks like Bruce (he's just as suspicious and as much of a know-it-all), and he's certainly got the training. If that doesn't happen, I think Bruce will come back.
Fables #82: Ah, Fables. I started reading this book around issue 15 or so (whatever issue started the "Storybook Love" arc), and I've been hooked ever since. It took me a while, but I finally was able to go back and get all of the issues from the beginning. Last issue we said a couple of goodbyes, in the book, and to cover artist James Jean. Jean's art is so beautiful and surreal, and lended itself well to the fantastic storytelling within the book itself. I'm going to miss his art, but I trust that Willingham and company will continue to make this one of the highlights of the month for me.
Green Lantern Corps #34: I put this one here for Mr. Geeky Vixen. At his behest, I am going to try to start reading GL titles, because he says they're the best books out there. I've been keeping up with the "Origins and Omens" stuff, and it's interesting.
Soul Kiss #2: I picked up the first issue of this new title last month, and I was blown away by the simple story and cool art. I love Image Comics. They bring me Madman Atomic Comics, The Walking Dead, and The Sword. And once in a while, they bring me new titles that I fall in love with (see Soul Kiss and Jersey Gods).
The Walking Dead #59: As I mentioned last post, I'm a girl who loves her zombies. I read the first 40 issues in a weekend, and after a brief "I'm never reading this again" after issue 48, I came back and I'm glad I did. Kirkman crafts stories that keep you coming back, and they're not happy endings.
Wonderful Wizard of Oz #4: I know, I know. But I love the story and the art. I met the artist, Skottie Young, at AdventureCon last year, and he was a really nice guy. I like his unique style of art, and you can't beat the source material.
So that's it. My pull list for this week. I'll keep you guys posted if anything else creeps into my stash. :)
Now playing: DJ Shadow and Dan "The Automator" - Swami Safari
via FoxyTunes
1 Comment:
- Kim said...
March 11, 2009 at 10:32 PMWow two posts in a row, welcome back! :)